Pied Crow

large pic.


Pied Crow
Corvus albus
Danish: Broget Krage, Hvidbrystet Ravn
Deutsch: Schildrabe

The Pied Crow (Corvus albus) is a widely distributed African bird species in the crow genus.

Structurally, the Pied Crow is better thought of as a small crow-sized Raven, especially as it can hybridise with the Somali Crow (Dwarf Raven) where their ranges meet in the Horn of Africa. Its behaviour, though, is more typical of the Eurasian Carrion Crows, and it may be a modern link (along with the Somali Crow) between the Eurasian crows and the Common Raven.

It is approximately the size of the European Carrion Crow or a little larger (46-50 cm in length) but has a proportionately larger bill, slightly longer tail and wings, and longer legs. As its name suggests, its glossy black head and neck are interrupted by a large area of white feathering from the shoulders down to the lower breast. The tail, bill and wings are black too. The eyes are dark brown. The white plumage of immature birds is often mixed with black. It resembles the White-necked and Thick-billed Ravens but has a much smaller bill.

Length: 46 - 52 cm
Wing: 328 - 388 mm
Weight: 520 g

In southern Africa the range overlaps with the White-necked Raven. The Pied Crow is slightly smaller and has a white chest and belly with a black beak compared to the black chest and belly of the larger White-necked Raven which also has a white tip of the beak. It is larger than the Black Crow.

The voice is described as a harsh "ar-ar-ar-ar" or "karh-karh-karh".

Pied Crow (Wikipedia)

På en fornøjelsestur til Berlin besøgte vi den zoologiske have. Den almindelige Ravn (Corvus corax) eller andre kragefugle finder man ikke her, men til gengæld sad et par afrikanske ravnefugle i en særlig afdeling for rov- og andre store fugle. Hvor godt eller dårligt fuglene havde det, kan diskuteres, ihvertfald havde en af fuglene fået viklet det ene ben ind i noget tråd, som tydeligvis voldte irritation og smerte. Flere af havens ansatte gik forbi buret uden tilsyneladende at være anfægtet af fuglens situation.

Schildrabe (Corvus albus), Pied Crow, Broget Krage / Hvidbrystet Ravn

Schildrabe (Corvus albus), Pied Crow, Hvidbrystet Ravn er en afrikansk kragefugl, som er udbredt over midt- og sydafrika. I farvetegningen kan den minde om en husskade, selv om den i kropsbygning og størrelse snarere ligner en alm. (grå)krage.

Schildrabe (Corvus albus)

Schildrabe tavle

Pied Crow (Google)

Pied Crow (Google Pics)

Pied Crow (YouTube)

The voice (Corvus albus)






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Kurt Starlit
aka CykelKurt






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