Det var over Sveriges Radio jeg første gang hørte om den amerikanske guitarist Harvey Mandel, da han i 1968 udsendte sin debut LP "Christo Redentor". Et nummer som "Bradley's Barn" gjorde stort indtryk. Senerehen er der løbende udkommet en strøm af plader fra hans side - bare ikke i Danmark - og da han ejheller har (eller havde) nogen dansk repræsentant, har der ikke været mange oplysninger om ham. Det er først med internettets fremkomst i 1990'erne, at det har været muligt at finde brugbare oplysninger, f.eks. hans hjemmeside (www.harveymandel.com), hvor det også er muligt at bestille en del af hans plader.

Harvey Mandel var - og er - en fabelagtig dygtig guitarist, som tilmed har sin egen personlige stil, bl.a. er han den første som bruger "two handed fretboard tapping", hvor man slår strengene an mod gribebrædtet med BEGGE hænder - en teknik som senere er anvendt i stor stil af bl.a. Eddie van Halen.

Baggrunden er blues, han begyndte i Chicago hos de tunge sorte bluesdrenge, hvor han betalte sine lærepenge (payed his dues), samtidig med at han udviklede sin stil.

Rent guitarmæssigt har han gennem årene spillet på mange forskellige fabrikater, men har altid formået at få dem til at lyde som Harvey Mandel; selv en Fender Stratocaster lyder umiskendeligt som Harvey, når det er Mandel der trakterer strengene. Senest har han spillet på en Parker guitar (som det også kan ses på hjemmesiden, er Parker solo guitar sponsor), men tidligere har jeg set bl.a. Gibson og Washburn guitarer blive brugt. På "Twist City" CD'en er det en Fender Stratocaster som må stå for skud, men siden 2004 har det som sagt været Parker Guitars med Dean Markley strenge og Di Marzio pick-up'er, der var inde i varmen.

Tiderne skifter (det gør vi andre også), derfor skal der andre boller på suppen i dag, hvis man vil overleve i musikbranchen. Også af den grund er Harvey Mandel's stil temmelig meget anderledes i dag end på de tidlige indspilninger, hvor den tunge blues var det gennemgående tema. I dag er hans søn Eric kommet med på scenen, og gamle Harvey har fået interesse for computere og synthesizere, hvilket har medført (ihvertfald på en del af pladerne) en noget ændret spillestil. Hør f.eks. lydeksemplerne fra CD "Westcoast Killaz" længere nede, hvor den får på alle nymodens tangenter.

Som det vil fremgå af den kronologiske oversigt, har der været mange højdepunkter i karrieren. Udover sine solo-projekter har Mandel spillet hos John Mayall, Canned Heat og Rolling Stones for blot at nævne et par stykker (se diskografien længere nede). Det er dog solo-projekterne, hvor han spiller med omhyggeligt udvalgte musikere, som er noget ganske særligt. Her fremvises en guitarteknisk ener med talent for komplekse blues- og jazzbaserede arrangementer, som er ud over det almindelige.

Man kan måske undre sig over de udeblevne millionhits - mulighederne har jo været til stede. Spørgsmålet besvarer han selv i et interview i slutningen af 1980'erne i det amerikanske guitarmagasin Guitar Player: "Jeg manglede et tema som manden på gaden kunne fløjte." I tilbageblikkets ulidelige klarhed skulle han nok have satset mere på et par solide kassesuccesser til at betale eksperimenterne, men det er selvfølgelig lettere sagt end gjort. Til gengæld har han i dag den store glæde, at han
      - er sund og rask (har aldrig været på narko eller lign.),
      - kan færdes ugeneret på gaden (a reputation without a face),
      - ingen skattegæld har (f.eks. som følge af et ukontrolleret forbrug af diverse stimulanser)
     - ejer et state-of-the-art digitalt studie og produktionsselskab (Electric Snake Productions).

Studie og produktionsselskab sikrer dels, at han kan bruge den nødvendige tid på sine egne udgivelser, dels at dagen og vejen er klaret rent økonomisk ved også at udføre arbejde for professionelle kunder. Han behøver ingen livvagt eller foretage andre krumspring for at skjule sin identitet, som de fleste kendte ellers må plages med. Frem for alt er han højt respekteret i musikerkredse, hvor hans navn nævnes med ærefrygt. Han har til stadighed så mange engagementer på kalenderen, at han (ved siden af ESP aktiviteterne) kan leve et komfortabelt, interessant og spændende liv resten af sine dage.

Et af de musikalske højdepunkter er LP "Shangrenade", som første gang udkom i 1973 (på CD i 1998). Her viser Mandel til overflod sin tekniske dygtighed, usædvanlige spillestil og sans for arrangementsmæssige detaljer. Også indspilningsteknisk var pladen glimrende, idet den tydeligvis var indspillet i et studie med de nødvendige faciliteter. Selve pladen var desuden fri for den overfladestøj ("pop-corn") som havde plaget tidligere udgivelser. Sidst, men ikke mindst, bør det nævnes at de medvirkende musikere har en stor del af skylden for det færdige resultat:
      - Coleman Head, rytmeguitar
      - Victor Conte, elektrisk bas
      - Paul Lagos, trommer
      - Don "Sugarcane" Harris, elektrisk violin
      - Bobby Notkoff, strygerarrangementer
Skal man derfor anbefale en introduktionsplade til Harvey Mandel, er "Shangrenade" oplagt.




Rent kronologisk ser karrieren cirka således ud:

- 1945

- 11. marts 1945, Harvey Mandel fødes i Detroit, Michigan, USA

- 1946

- ?? 1946, flytter til Chicago

- 1966 -

- medlem af Charlie Musselwhite's South Side Band

- "Stand Back" bliver spillet kraftigt på radiostationerne i San Francisco området.

- HM inviteres af Bill Graham til at spille i The Fillmore.

- 1967

- flytter til Los Angeles (Bay Area).

- LP "Stand Back!" med Charlie Musselwhite's South Side Band udgives
---- Charlie Musselwhite - vocal & harmonica
---- Harvey Mandel - guitar
---- Barry Goldberg - organ & piano
---- Bob Anderson - bass
---- Fred Below Jr. - drums

- optræder på klubben "The Matrix"

- møder producer Abe "Voco" Kesh

- 1968

- LP "Christo Redentor" (produceret af Abe "Voco" Kesh) udgives
---- LP'en holder sig 4 uger på Top 200 (højeste placering #169)

- spiller på "Whiskey A Go-Go" i San Francisco.

- 1969

- LP "Righteous" udgives.

- medlem af Canned Heat som erstatning for Henry Vestine
---- Bob "The Bear" Hite
---- Henry "Sunflower" Vestine - solo guitar
---- Al Wilson ("The Owl") - rhythm guitar, slide guitar
---- Larry "The Mole" Taylor - bass
---- Fito de la Parra - drums

- Med CANNED HEAT på Woodstock Festival
Canned Heat havde bedt guitarist Mike Bloomfield om at spille det første sæt med dem, og Harvey om at komme ind i andet sæt. Harvey's tredie job med gruppen er Woodstock festivalen i 1969.
Han fortsatte sammen med gruppen over et år i deres storhedstid med slide guitarist/vocalist Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson og sanger Bob "The Bear" Hite.

Øgenavnet "The Snake" fik han nogle år tidligere af keyboardmanden Barry Goldberg i Chicago. Navnet skyldtes dels hans krakelerede læderjakke og dels den slange-lignende måde han spillede på guitaren - altsammen noget der passede perfekt ind i Canned Heat's stil.

- 1970

- LP "Games Guitars Play" udgives.
---- Nummeret er en instr. version af sangnummeret "Games People Play", som var et hit i 1969 for Joe South.

- 1971

- LP "Baby Batter" (producer Abe "Voco" Kesh) udgives

- starter hos John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers

- indspiller LP "USA Union"
---- John Mayall - vocal & harmonica
---- Harvey Mandel - guitar
---- Larry "The Mole" Taylor - bass
---- Don "Sugarcane" Harris - violin

- 1972

- LP "The Snake" udgives
---- LP'en går kortvarigt ind på den amerikanske hitliste

- 22. juli 1972
LP "The Snake" går ind på Billboard's hitliste.
---- Don "Sugarcane" Harris - violin
---- Freddie Roulette - steel guitar
---- Charles Lloyd - flute
---- Paul Lagos - drums
---- Larry Taylor (ex Canned Heat) - Fender bass
---- Fito de la Parra (ex Canned Heat) - drums

- starter gruppen Pure Food & Drug Act (ofte forkortet PFDA)
---- Sugarcane Harris - violin
---- Randy Resnick - guitar
---- Victor Conte - bass
---- Paul Lagos - drums

- PFDA ugiver LP "Choice Cuts" på Epic Records

- LP "Get off in Chicago" udgives

- 1973

- PDFA bryder op

- LP "Shangrenade" udgives

- 1974

- LP "Feel the Sound of Harvey Mandel" udgives

- spiller ved Ultimate Guitar Concert, sponsoreret af Guitar Player Magazine ved bladets 25 års jubilæum.

- spiller i the Fillmore (San Francisco) ved Centennial Celebration, arrangeret af Gibson Guitars

- HM starter ny gruppe (navn ukendt) med vokalist, turnerer USA og Europa som opvarmningsgruppe for Canned Heat

- 1975

- LP "The Best of Harvey Mandel" udgives

- HM skriver musik til TV og film

- 1976

- LP "Black and Blue" The Rolling Stones (nummeret "Hot Stuff" og "Memory Hotel")
Black and Blue, Rolling Stones Records, COC-79104

- studie arbejde med bl.a. grupperne Love og The Ventures

- opvarmningsgruppe på Jeff Beck's Canada tourne: Harvey Mandel Power Trio (Jimmy Halip, bass)

- 1978

- flytter til Chicago

- opvarmningsgruppe på forskellige tourneer, f.eks. Roxy Music

- 1980

- HM flytter til Florida

- medlem af husorkestret på Ron Wood's natklub "Woody's" (m. bl.a. saxofonist Bobby Keys)

- 1984

- Sologuitarist hos Deep Purple, Richie Blackmore, fortæller i et interview om sin første koncertoplevelse af Harvey Mandel:

The first person I saw doing that hammer-on stuff was Harvey Mandel, at the Whiskey A Go-Go in '68. I thought 'What the hell is he doing?' It was so funny, Jim Morrison was carried out and Jimi Hendrix was there too.
Then Harvey Mandel starts doing this stuff (mimes tapping). 'What's he doing?' everybody was saying. Even the audience stopped dancing. Obviously, Eddie Van Halen must have picked up a few of those things.

- 1990

- CD "Live Boot: Harvey Mandel - Live in California 1990, Vol.1" udgives

- CD "Guitar Speak II" (et enkelt nummer) I.R.S. Records

- opsamlings CD Guitar Player Magazine's "Legends of Guitar-Electric Blues", vol. I, Rhino Records

- instruktions video til Hot Licks: "Blues Guitar & Beyond"

- 1991

- video "Blues Guitar & Beyond" (guitar instructional video)

- 1993

- CD "Twist City" udgives

- 7. juli 1993, Djurs Bluesland, Drastrup, Djursland, Danmark (sendt i DR 13. dec. 1993)
---- Harvey Mandel (el-g)
---- James Thornbury (el-g)
---- Ron Schumann (b)
---- Fito de la Parra (dm)

- 1995

- video "Learn Blues Guitar with the Greats" (guitar instruktions video)
---- (mini lektioner m. Buddy Guy, Lonnie Mack og Harvey Mandel)

- CD "Snakes & Stripes" udgives

- opstart af ESP - Electric Snake Productions

Harvey Mandel og hans mangeårige manager og producer David Gross ejer produktions- og pladeselskabet i fællesskab. Desuden er en gammel ven og medarbejder, Rene Defourneaux, tilknyttet. Virksomheden ligger i det smukke Crested Butte i staten Colorado med sit state-of-the-art digitale indspilningsstudio beliggende i San Francisco bugt området (The Bay Area).
Den allestedsnærværende "Buck" Jensen, Mandel's guitartekniker gennem alle årene, er her også.

- CD "Baby Batter" (AAD) remastered fra det originale masterbånd, BGO Records, BGO CD252

- oktober 1995, CD "The Mercury Years"
(= Christo Redentor, Righteous og Games Guitars Play digitalt remastered og derefter lagt på to CD'er)

- 1996

- 26. januar 1996, optræder på "Fillmore" i San Francisco.
---- Samme dag spiller guitaristen Jorma Kaukonen (kendt fra Jefferson Airplane og Hot Tuna).

- 19. april 1996, filmen "Chalk" har verdenspremiere ved fremvisningen i i Castro Theater i San Francisco.
----Forestillingen er en del af San Francisco International Film Festival.
----Mandel har en mindre rolle som en surfer i filmen, desuden har han skrevet (og spillet) musikken til filmen.
----Samme aften vises "Shot Gun Man" (fra Twist City CD'en) i den bedste sendetid i CBS TV-showet "Nash Bridges" med Don Johnson.

- optræder på BB King's Blues Club i Universal City, Californien.
---- Howard Wales - keyboards
---- Greg Errico - drums
---- Squid - bass
---- Lori Davidson - vocals
---- Barry Goldberg - keyboards (medvirker kun i et par numre i andet sæt)

- 16. maj 1996, The Harvey Mandel Band optræder på "The Fillmore" under titlen "Best of the British Blues" sammen med bl.a.
---- Eric Burdon - vocal
---- Alvin Lee - guitar
---- Aunsley Dunbar - drums
---- Howard Wales - special guest

- 4. juli 1996, The Electric Snake Band (med ny vokalist Sonny Reece) spiller på "Wharf at Pier 45" som en del af avisen San Francisco Chronicle's årlige uafhængighedsdags (Independence Day) koncert.
---- Sonny Reece (fra Las Vegas) - vocal
---- Artis Joyce (fra Stockton, California) (også kendt som "AJ") - bass guitar
AJ har tidligere spillet med bl.a. Charlie Musselwhite, Johnny Heartsman, Mick Fleetwood og Ron Thompson.
---- Bennie Murray (session musiker) - drums

- 1997

- januar 1997, "Snake Crew" - Harvey Mandel's gruppe og øvrige organisation tager til Hollywood for at færdiggøre master'en til "Planetary Warrior" sammen med Bernie Grundman Mastering.
---- "Planetary Warrior" distributeres af WEA (Warner Elektra Atlantic) i USA.
---- Det nyeste medlem af gruppen er Diz Dismore på bas guitar.
---- DD er fra Bay Area (Los Angeles), har spillet funk-groove-jazz med folk som Leo Nocentelli fra de oprindelige Meters.

- 16. sept. 1997, CD "Planetary Warrior" udgives
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Steve Kimock - slide guitar
---- Squid Vicious - bass guitar
---- Annie Stocking - background vocals
---- Howard Wales - keyboards (special guest)
---- Barry Goldberg - keydoards (special guest)
Pladens skæring nr. 6, "Rumble", er en lettere omskrivning af Link Wray's hit fra 50'erne (som hed "The Rumble").

- "Wall Banger" fra "Planetary Warrior" præsenteres i Don Johnson's "Nash Bridges" TV show.

- 1998

- CD "Emerald Triangle" udgives

- CD "Shangrenade" udgives

- HM flytter til San Francisco

- 2000

- CD "Lick This" udgives
(CD'en kan også findes under navnet "Cool House Productions Compila")
---- Harvey Mandel - guitars, and arrangements, drums, all percussion, bass, and rhythms
---- Sonny Reece - vocals and all lyrics

- HM flytter til Florida

- CD "West Coast Killaz" udgives
---- Harvey Mandel - guitars, and arrangements, drums, all percussion, bass and rhythms
---- Eric Mandel - all vocals and lyrics

- 2001

- opstart af The Electric Snake Band
---- Harvey "The Snake" Mandel - Guitars
---- Bennie Murray - Drums
---- Diz Dismore- Bass
---- Sonny Reece - Vocals


Kurt skrev i Harvey's gæstebog 2001.Aug.16:

The other day I heard Charlie Musselwhite CD "Stand Back" for the first time. Though I was a teenager in the sixties and very much interested in Hendrix, Mandel, Bloomfield, Jeff Beck and others, it was impossible to get hold of Musselwhite and Mandel records in those days (in Denmark at least).

Nowadays several shops are selling Musselwhite CDs (e.g. "Stand Back"), so I wonder why it still seems impossible to get hold of Harvey Mandel CDs, in particular "The Mercury Years", "Baby Batter" and "Shangrenade" in Denmark?

Baby Batter and Shangrenade LPs I bought in the seventies, and was VERY impressed by Mandel's capability. His complex arrangements, personal playing, and not to forget: a bunch of superb sidemen (Paul Lagos et al), make these LPs a peak in Mandel's musical career. I have heard Mandel with the Stones and Canned Heat as well, but nothing compares to his solo projects.

Later, in the 90es, I heard "Twist City" which sounded much more (dare I say) straight rhythm'n'blues. It was not bad, it was quite good actually, but it didn't fulfill the expectations one could have to an outstanding guitarist like Harvey Mandel.

The funny thing over here is that many people have heard his name, they know he is good, but haven't heard his records! A reputation without a face, so to speak. There is a great interest in outstanding guitarists, so I am sure there is more than a tiny market for Harvey over here, conditioned that he shows his face (guitar) in public. In the summertime a lot of festivals are arranged with top bands coming in from all over the world, so I see no reason why Harvey shouldn't be there as well.

Som skrevet står, hvorfor tager ingen arrangører Harvey Mandel på programmet?
Han ville være et løft for enhver festival!



Harvey Mandel

Her følger først en oversigt over solo albums, hvor HM har den fulde kontrol over - og ansvar for - indspilningen. Længere nede følger plader indspillet i samarbejde med, eller under direktion af, forskellige andre musikere og solister:


Cristo Redentor, Phillips (dist. by Mercury), PHS 600-281 / 1968
LP/CD - HARVEY MANDEL - Christo Redentor Philips PHS 600-281
Year of release: 1968

01. Christo Redentor
02. Before six
03. The Lark
04. The Snake
05. Long wait
06. Wade in the Water (Ramsey Lewis' hit melodi)
07. Lights out
08. Bradley's Barn
09. You can't tell me
10. Nashville 1 a.m.

"Christo Redentor" og "Christo Redemptor" er et og samme nummer, som af uransagelige årsager er stavet forskelligt gennem tiderne.

Basic personnel:
---- Guitar - Harvey Mandel
---- Harmonica - Charlie Musselwhite
---- Keyboards - Barry Goldberg
---- Drums - Eddie Hoh

Mandel's debut remains his best early work, introducing an accomplished blues-rock guitarist capable of producing smooth, fluid lines and a variety of tasteful distortion and buzzing via an assortment of tone pedals and customized amplifiers. He augmented his flash with an adventurous appetite for orchestrated, quasi-classical strings (especially in the eerie symphonic title cut), jazz-blues-rock fusion in the mold of The Electric Flag (as on "Before Six"), and even a bit of country in the presence of top steel guitarist Pete Drake. Available in its entirety on the reissue compilation The Mercury Years.
Richie Unterberger,
All Music Guide


LP/CD - Righteous - Harvey Mandel - PHS 600-306 / 1969
Year of release: 1969
Label: Phillips

Not as consistent as his debut, due to the presence of a few pedestrian blues-rock numbers. The better tracks, though, show Mandel continuing to expand his horizons with imagination, particularly on the cuts with string and horn arrangements by noted jazz arranger Shorty Rogers. Harvey's workout on Nat Adderley's "Jazz Samba" is probably his best solo performance, and an obvious touchstone for the Latin-rock hybrid of Carlos Santana (whose own debut came out the same year); on the other side of the coin, "Boo-Bee-Doo" is one of his sharpest and snazziest straight blues-rockers. Available in its entirety on the reissue compilation The Mercury Years.
Richie Unterberger,
All Music Guide

---- Guitar: Harvey Mandel
---- Guitar: Howard Roberts
---- Guitar: Bob Jones [#1]
---- Keyboards: Duane Hitchings
---- Keyboards: Pete Jolly
---- Drums: Eddie Hoh
---- Percussion: Victor Feldman
---- Trumpet: Buddy Childers
---- Trumpet: John Audino
---- Trumpet: Stan Fishelson
---- Saxophone: Plas Johnson
---- Saxophone: Bill Perkins
---- Trombone: Mike Barone
---- Trombone: Richard Leith


LP/CD - Games Guitars Play - Harvey Mandel
Phillips, PHS 600-325/ 1970
Year of release: 1970

Feeling that he needed a singer to compete commercially, Mandel decided to abandon his instrumental format, taking on multi- instrumentalist Russell Dashiel as lead vocalist for a good share of the tracks.
Alas, Dashiel was a mediocre singer who typified some of the lesser White blues-rock stylings of the period, and the material (with a higher percentage of blues and soul covers) was not up to the level of Mandel's first two efforts, although Harvey's playing remained accomplished and imaginative (as is evident on the original instrumental "Ridin' High" and the cover of Horace Silver's "Senor Blues"). Available in its entirety on the reissue compilation The Mercury Years.

Richie Unterberger,
All Music Guide

---- Guitar: HarveyMandel
---- Vocals: Russell Dashiell
---- Bass: Larry Taylor
---- Drums: Eddie Hoh


Baby Batter, Janus Records (dist. by GRT), JLS-3017 / 1971
BGO RECORDS (BGO = Beat Goes On),
P.O. Box 22, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6XQ, England
Year of release: 1971

1. Baby Batter
2. Midnight Sun
3. One Way Street
4. Morton Grove Mama (Morton Grove er byen, hvor HM voksede op)
5. Freedom Ball
6. El Stinger
7. Hank The Ripper

---- Harvey Mandel - electric guitar, acoustic guitar
---- Eric Mandel - "Baby Batter" voice
---- Larry Taylor - electric Fender bass
---- Howard Wales - organ, electric piano
---- Mike Melvoin - organ, electric piano
---- Paul Lagos - drums
---- Colin Bailey - drums
---- Big Black - congas
---- Emil Richards - percussion on "Hank the Ripper" and "One Way Street"
---- Joe Picaro - percussion on "El Stinger"
---- Sandra Crouch - tambourine on "Baby Batter" & "Midnight Sun"


LP/CD - HARVEY MANDEL - The Snake Janus, JLS-3037 / 1972
Made under license courtsey of Janus Records
Year of release: 1972

1. The diving rod (Mandel) 3:01
2. Pegasus (Taylor) 3:24
3. Linda Love (Mandel) 2:29
4. Peruvian flake (Mandel) 3:27
5. The snake (Mandel-Taylor) 3:02
6. Uno Ino (Carroll-Taylor-Mandel) 2:32
7. Ode to The Owl (Mandel) 2:32
8. Levitation (Lloyd-Mandel) 5:10
9. Bite the electric eel (Mandel-Lagos-Resnick-Conte-Harris) 4:11

---- Harvey Mandel - guitar
---- Paul Lagos - drums on 1,3,4,5,9
---- Earl Palmer - drums on 2,6
---- Adolfo de la Parra - drums on 8
---- Victor Conte - bass on 1,3,9
---- Chuck Domanico - bass on 2
---- Larry Taylor - bass on 4,5,6
---- Antonio de la Barreda - bass on 8
---- Randy Resnick - rhythm guitar on 1,3,6,9
---- Freddie Roulette - steel guitar on 8
---- Jim Taylor - piano on 2
---- Kevin Burton - organ on 8
---- Charles Lloyd - flute on 8
---- Don "Sugarcane" Harris - violin on 3 & 9; strings on 2


LP - Harvey Mandel - Shangrenade - Janus JLS-3047 (1973)
CD - Harvey Mandel - Shangrenade - BGO CD410 (1998)
CD remastered from original master tapes
Year of release: 1973

1. What The Funk (Victor Conte)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Lyle, Clavinet

2. Fish walk (Victor Conte)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Notkoff, Strings

3. Sugarloaf (H.Mandel, R.Mandel)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Freddie Roulette, Steel Guitar
---- Bobby Lyle, Acoustic Piano

4. Midnight Sun II (H.Mandel)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Notkoff, Strings
---- Don "Sugarcane" Harris, Electric Violin

5. Million dollar feeling (Coleman Head)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Notkoff, Strings

6. Green Apple Quickstep (H.Mandel)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Lyle, Clavinet

7. Frenzy (Mandel, Head, Conte, Lagos)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Coleman Head, Rhythm Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric upright bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums

8. Shangrenade (H.Mandel, R.Mandel)
---- Harvey Mandel, Lead Guitar
---- Victor Conte, electric bass
---- Paul Lagos, Drums
---- Bobby Notkoff, Strings

Produced by Skip Taylor and Harvey Mandel for Skip Taylor Productions, Inc. and GRT Corp.
Recorded at The Village Recorder, November 1972 to June 1973
Special thanks to Marv. Schlachter and Lynda Mandel


LP/CD - PFDA - Pure Food and Drug Act -
Year of release: 1974

---- Harvey Mandel - guitar
---- Randy "Rare" Resnick - guitar
---- Don "Sugarcane" Harris - violin
---- Paul Lagos - drums
---- Victor Conte - bass


LP - Feel the Sound of Harvey Mandel, Janus, JLS-3067 / 1974
Year of release: 1974

CD - Feel the sound of Harvey Mandel" - Repertoire Records REP 4715WG
(completely remastered)

1. Got to be bad (Conte - Head) 3:49
---- Richard Martin - vocal
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Victor Conte - bass
---- Paul Lagos - drums

2. Sore throat (Mandel) 2:32
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Victor Conte - bass
---- Paul Lagos - drums

3. Just wanna be there (Mandel - Wagner - Skyer) 4:23
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Mark Skyer - rhythm guitar & vocals
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Ray Lester - bass
---- Danny Keller - drums

4. Candles by the bedside (Mandel - Wagner - Skyer) 4:05
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Mark Skyer - rhythm guitar & vocals
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Ray Lester - bass
---- Danny Keller - drums

5. Feel the sound (Mandel - Wagner - Skyer) 6:00
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Mark Skyer - rhythm guitar & vocals
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Ray Lester - bass
---- Danny Keller - drums

6. I got your slot (Conte - Head - Mandel) 2:53
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Victor Conte - bass
---- Paul Lagos - drums

7. Rankachank Blues (Mandel) 2:48
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Mark Skyer - rhythm guitar & vocals
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Ray Lester - bass
---- Danny Keller - drums

8. Forever and forever (Mandel) 2:36
---- Harvey Mandel - lead guitar
---- Coleman Head - rhythm guitar
---- Victor Conte - bass
---- Danny Keller - drums

Produced by Harvey Mandel & Skip Taylor
Remastered by Eroe at The Ranch


The Best of Harvey Mandel, Janus, 7014/ 1975

Nashville Bandit / Country Rose, Fresh Squeezed Records, FS-4506 (single)

Live Boot: Harvey Mandel - Live in California 1990, Vol.1, Fresh Squeezed Records/ 1990

Blues Guitar & Beyond, Hot Licks, VGM 158 (guitar instructional video)/ 1991


CD - HARVEY MANDEL - Twist City - Western Front Entertainment, WFE 10022
(Harvey Mandel i interview: "I consider it a blues tribute album")
Year of release: 1993

1. Twist City 3:54
      (en hyldest til stedet, hvor HM spillede i sine unge dage: Curley's Twist City)
2. Shot Gun Man 4:14 (dedicated to Eric "Shotgun" Mandel)
3. Electric Woodoo Doll 3:18
4. Jack's Coffee Shop 3:08
5. I Had A Dream 4:27
6. Bear Down 4:27 (hyldest til Bob "The Bear" Hite)
7. Crosscut Saw 3:37 (et gammelt Albert King nummer)
8. Uptown 2:26
9. Never let you go 9:48

---- Harvey Mandel - lead & rhythm guitars
---- Mark Skyer - vocals
---- Criss Johnson - rhythm guitar
---- Brady Williams - drums
---- James Kirk - fretless bass & standup bass
---- Mathew Skoller - harmonica
---- Michael Halpin - trombone
---- Steve Eisen - tenor saxophone
---- Brian Ripp - baritone saxophone
---- Mark Ohlsen - trumpet
---- John Cammelot - organ
---- Roosevelt Purifoy - piano

Produced by - Alan Krockey & Harvey Mandel
Co-Producer - Mark Skyer
Executive Producer - Frank Pirrucello
Recorded & mixed by - Craig Williams
Recorded at - Dr. Caw, Northbrook, IL
Cover & building photos - J. Keller
Photos of Harvey Mandel - Jay Blakesberg
Design/layout - John Pirruccello & Ted Kennedy

Management - David Gross for David Gross Entertainment, P.O. Box 40124, San Francisco, California 94140

A special note from Harvey Mandel...

This album contains some cool originals and a few special tributes to some of my favorite blues artists: the late great Albert King classic "Crosscut Saw", and the original song "Bear Down", in memory of Bob "The Bear" Hite. Other originals include "Twist City", which recalls the great Chicago blues club, where I jammed many nights with blues greats Buddy Guy, Howlin' Wolf and Otis Rush, and "Shotgun Man", which is dedicated to Eric "Shotgun" Mandel.

Special thanks to Bubby for her great food, Rose for her inspiration, "The Bud Monster" Bruce Jensen for the "High-Tech" assistance, "The Gross Meister" Dave Gross my personal manager for his endless hours of pursuing "The Snake's" musical politics, all the musicians for their outstanding chops, including Mark Skyer for his really cool vocals and Dave Schultz for his fine lyrics, Craig Williams for his skilled engineering and Al Krockey for his creative prodution work.

I also wish to thank Rich Friedrich for that endless supply of great Dean Markley Strings, Rolf at Metatron with their outstanding Guitar Grimoire Book series, Guitar Tech Gary Brawer for those fine tweakings and Hal Pecher at Guitronics for his amp magic.

Harvey Mandel's equipment for "Twist City" includes:
a Fender Strat (Fender Custom Shop), a Fender Bassman amp, and Gibson Guitars (Custom Shop).

Management by
David Gross
David Gross Entertainment
P.O. Box 40124
San Francisco
California 94140


Learn Blues Guitar with the Greats Hot Licks, VAB 701 (guitar instructional video) / 1995


Snakes & Stripes, Clarity Recordings, CCD-1013 / 1995
CD - HARVEY MANDEL - Snakes & Stripes -
Year of release: 1995

      01. Under Fire
      02. Future Blues
      03. Tears For Eric
      04. Poquito Dinero
      05. Special Delivery
      06. Miami Rain
      07. My Soul's On Fire
      08. Mashed Potato Twist
      09. Country Rose
      10. The Bud Monster
      11. United Snakes of America

Live recording

      Harvey Mandel - guitar
      Greg Errico - drums
      Squid Vicious (AKA Bobby Scott) - bass
      Bobby Strickland - sax
      Karl Perazzo - percussion
      Michael Carabello - percussion


Harvey Mandel: The Mercury Years
'Chronicles' 2-CD Anthology
PolyGram, 314 528 275-2 / 1995

Dobbelt-CD The Mercury Years er Mandel's tre første LP'er (Christo Redentor, Righteous og Games Guitars Play)
(remastered og derefter lagt på to CD'er)
Udgivelsesår: 1995


CD - Harvey Mandel - Planetary Warrior ESP /Lightyear / WEA, 54215-2
Year of release: 1997

01. Space Monkeys 4:29
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Howard Wales - electric piano

02. What comes around goes around 4:49
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Squid Vicious - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Barry Goldberg - Hammond B3 organ

03. I don't mind being wrong 4:32
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

04. 90 in the '53 3:41
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Steve Kimock - slide guitar

05. Wall Banger 5:02
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Annie Stocking - background vocals

06. Rumble 3:29
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

07. The only one 4:04
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

08. Carne del Serpiente 5:49
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

09. Whinin' Whiskey 4:35
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Squid Vicious - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

10. Emerald Triangle 4:23
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Howard Wales - electric piano
---- Steve Kimock - slide guitar

11. Planetary Warrior 8:39
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals

12. Candy Rapper 2.09
---- Harvey Mandel - rhythm & lead guitars, vocal
---- Bennie Murray - drums & percussion
---- Artis Joyce - bass guitar
---- Sonny Reece - vocals
---- Barry Goldberg - Hammond B3 organ
---- Betsy, Buck, Dave, Snake, Mike - applause

Recorded at Coast Recorders, San Francisco, CA, September-November 1996
Produced by Harvey Mandel & David Gross


CD - Harvey Mandel Emerald Triangle
Electric Snake Productions, Inc., ESP-9701 (All-Instrumental "Smooth Guitar") / 1998
Year of release: 1998

01. Emerald Triangle
02. Java Beach
03. Tango Drop
04. Jive Samba
05. Special Delivery
06. Time Drive
07. 7 Come 11
08. Crystal Tunnel
09. The Hidden Jewel
10. Bolero
11. Guitar Martini

Recorded at Electric Snake Studio in 1997
Mastered by Paul Stubblebine at Rocket Lab, San Francisco, CA
Produced, Engineered and Arranged by Harvey Mandel
Executive Producer - Rene "El Brujo" Defourneaux
Special Assistant - Bruce "Buck" Jensen

Harvey Mandel - all guitars & synthesizers
Bennie Murray - Drums & Percussion
Artis Joyce - Bass Guitars
Freddie Roulette - Lap Steel on "Time Drive"
George Michalski - Keyboards on "Jive Samba"


CD - Harvey Mandel - Lick This - Electric Snake Productions Inc.
CD'en findes også på markedet under navnet "Cool House Productions Compila"
Year of release: 2000

01. Mad Dog 4:14
02. Lost out on the street 4:13
03. Jack Hammer 4:59
04. Bugs 3:41
05. Black Magic 4:34
06. Cherry Dream 5:19
07. Freeflow 4:14
08. Another Day's Gone 4:11
09. X-Factor / Star Jam 4:54
10. Lick This 2:35
11. Honey Bunny 2:46
12. In the mist 3:28
13. Whatcha talkin' about 3:31
14. Nite Whisper 3:40
15. Rambolaya 4:12
16. Rainbow Bridge 3:28
17. Member's Only 1:40

---- Harvey Mandel - guitars, arrangements, drums, percussion, bass, rhythms
---- Sonny Reece - vocals and all lyrics

Produced by Harvey Mandel
Co-produced by Eric Mandel
Executive producer - Rene Defourneaux

Recorded and mixed June 1998 - June 1999
at The Electric Snake Studio, San Francisco, CA
Mastered at The Electric Snake Mastering Lab, September 1999


CD - Harvey Mandel - West Coast Killaz
Electric Snake Productions Inc.
Year of release: 2000

01. You Got Mail
02. 3'rd Street Killaz
03. KGB
04. You're busted
05. Check it out
06. Don't say nothin'
07. Area 51
08. Street Soldiers
09. Gimme that!
10. Road Dogz

---- Harvey Mandel - guitars, and arrangements, drums, all percussion, bass and rhythms
---- Eric Mandel - all vocals and lyrics

Produced by Harvey "The Snake" Mandel
Co-produced by Eric "The Shotgun" Mandel
Executive producer: Rene "El Brujo" Defourneaux


CD - Harvey Mandel - Nightfire
Produced by Harvey Mandel
Executive Producer: Michael Borbridge
Year of release: 2003

01. Small Town Talk
02. It's Getting Harder
03. Free Flow
04. Baby Batter
05. Bad Luck Situation
06. Believe in Yourself
07. Nightfire
08. Lost in Time
09. Touch of Green
10. Spider Web
11. Guest House (de medvirkende musikere "outroduceres" af Mandel)

Harvey Mandel - guitar (all songs)
Freddie Roulette - lap steel (all songs)
Michael Borbridge - drums (all songs)
Michael Warren - Bass (2,3,4,6,9,10,11)
Eugene Huggins - Harp, Vocals (1,2,6,8)
Pete Sears - keyboard (4,9,11)
Roy Rogers - slide (11)
Norton Buffalo - harp (11)
Henry Kaiser - guitar (11)
Rikki Gordon - vocals (2,6,7)
Greg Errico - drums (2)
Rob Pool - bass (7)
Jose Najera - conga, percussion (3,4,10)
Michael Carabello - conga (1,7)
Liam Hanrahan - bass (1,8)
Steve Evans - bass (5)
Sonny Reece - vocal (5)


CD - Harvey Mandel and the Snake Crew
Produced by Harvey Mandel & Michael Borbridge
Executive producer: Kathy Weed
Year of release: 2006

01. It is what it is
02. Baby Batter II
03. Have you seen my Baby
04. Train Wreck
05. So far so good
06. Land of The Free
07. I had a Life
08. Everybody wnants to go to Heaven
09. I'd do You
10. Twizzle Zing
11. Set in Stone
12. Layin' around here with the Blues
13. You'll never know
14. Free Flow II

Harvey Mandel - guitar (all songs)
Marcy Levy - vocal (1,6,11)
Norton Buffalo - vocal & harp (1,3,4,12)
Nick Gravenites - vocal (5,7)
Michael Borbrigde - drums (all songs)
Rowan Brothers - vocals (13)
Pete Sears - keys (1,2,6,8,11)
Elvin Bishop - slide (3,12)
Steve Evans - bass (all songs)
Terry Haggerty - guitar (1,6,11,13)
Freddie Roulette - lap steel (2,8,14)
Rick Kellogg - vocal & harp (8,11)
Howard Wales - keys (3,10,12)
Barry Goldberg - keys (2,5,7,9,13)
Michael Warren - bass (8)
Mic Gillette - trombone (6,8)
Peter Albin - bass (8)
Zeera - vocal (9)
George Brooks - sax (6,8)
Jose Najera - conga (2,14)
Carlos Reyes - violin (10,14)


i samarbejde med, eller under direktion af, forskellige grupper og solister:

Med Canned Heat:
Future Blues, United Artists, LST-11002/ 1969
Canned Heat '70 Concert-Recorded Live in Europe, UA, UAS-5509/ 1970
Woodstock ( with various artists), Cotillion Atlantic, SD 30599/ 1970
Historical Figures and Ancient Heads, United Artists, UAS-5557/ 1972
Human Condition, Takoma, 7066/ 1978
Woodstock: The Lost Performances (with various artists), Warner Brothers, 12202 (video)/ 1993
Uncanned! The Best of Canned Heat, EMI Records USA, 72438-29165-29/ 1994
Woodstock: 3 Days Of Peace & Music, EFI, 82636 (CD Box Set with various artists)/ 1994
Woodstock 3 Days Of Peace & Music ~ The Director's Cut, Warner Bros., 35493 (video)/ 1994
Internal Combustion, River Road Records, RRR 61794-2/ 1994
The Ties That Bind, Archive Recordings, 80002/ 1997

Med John Mayall:
USA Union, Polydor, 24-4022 / 1970
Back to the Roots, Polydor (2), 25-3002 / 1971
Archives To Eighties (with Eric Clapton & Mick Taylor), Polydor, 837 127-2 / 1985
Room To Move 1969-1974, Polydor, 314 517 291-2 / 1992

Med Don "Sugarcane" Harris: Choice Cuts (Pure Food & Drug Act), Epic, E 31401/ 1972
Fiddler on the Rock, MPS/BASF, 20878/ 1972
Cup Full of Dreams, MPS/BASF, MB-21792/ 1973

Med Barry Goldberg:
Blowing My Mind, Epic, LN 24199 / 1966
The Barry Goldberg Reunion, Buddah, BDS 5012 / 1968
Two Jews Blues (with Mike Bloomfield), Buddah, BDS-5029 / 1969
Blues From Chicago, Cherry Red, CR-5104 (all four feature Charlie Musselwhite)
Barry Goldberg and Friends (with Bloomfield), Record Man, CR-5105 / 1972
Blasts From My Past (with Bloomfield and Duane Allman), Buddah, BDS-5081 / 1974
Barry Goldberg & Friends-Recorded Live, Buddah, 5684 / 1976

Med Charlie Musselwhite:
Stand Back! Here Comes Charlie Musselwhite's South Side Band (with Goldberg), Vanguard, VSD-79232 / 1966

Med The Rolling Stones: "Hot Stuff" & "Memory Motel"
fra LP - Black and Blue, Rolling Stones Records, COC-79104 / 1976

Med Jimmy Witherspoon:
The Blues Singer, ABC/Bluesway, BLS-6026 / 1969
The Best Of Jimmy Witherspoon, BluesWay/ ABC Records, BLS-6051 / 1973

Med The Ventures:
Rock and Roll Forever, United Artists, UAR-5649/ 1972 (featured guitarist on all songs )
Only The Hits, EMI-Manhattan-a division of Capitol Records, 4XLL9778 / 1988

Med Love:
Reel to Real, RSO Records, SO-4804 / 1974

Med Freddie Roulette: (produced by Harvey Mandel )
Sweet Funky Steel, Janus, JLS-3053 / 1973

The Psychedelic Guitar Circus (Harvey Mandel, Henry Kaiser, Steve Kimock, and Freddie Roulette), Rykodisc, RCD 10347 / 1996

Geno White: Standing In Stereo (with Bon Lozaga), LOLO Records, LOLO 012-2 / 1996

Make Waves (with Shaka Ra and the World Pop Machine), World Pop Records, WPR#004 / 1996

Denis Farley: Moodswing Woogie, Flat Baroque Records, FB0391-496 /1996

More Bay Area Blues (with various artists), Taxim Records, TX 1022-2 TA / 1996

Nothin' But The Blues (5 CD Box Set w/ Charlie Musselwhite, Barry Goldberg, Mike Bloomfield, Robben Ford, Johnny Otis, Daryl Dragon), LaserLight Digital, 15 956 / 1995

Rattlesnake Guitar: The Music Of Peter Green (with various artists), Viceroy Music, VIC2-8021 / 1995

H.H. *Heather Horton (with Chip Znuff, & Donnie Vie), Wex Records / 1995

The Psychedelic Guitar Circus (with Henry Kaiser, Steve Kimock, and Freddie Roulette), Sky Ranch/Virgin-France & Germany 394322 / 1994

The Infinite Summer Of Love (with The Soul Poets plus various artists), Taxim Records, TX 2016-2TA / 1994

Skull (with Gary Sloan-Live in Alaska), Boogie-Til-Dawn, PRCD013 / 1994

Blue Shoes (with Gary Sloan-Alaska), Boogie-Til-Dawn, PRCD-011 / 1992

Moody Guitars, (various artists), Viva Records (a division of Line Music), VVCD 9.01123 L / 1991

Guitar Speak II (various artists), I.R.S. No Speak, IRSD-82028 / 1990

Guitar Player Presents: Legends of Guitar-Electric Blues, Vol.1 (various), Rhino, R2-70716 / 1990

Best Of The Blues (with Goldberg, Bloomfield, Musselwhite, Robben Ford), Red Hot, 6001 / 1982

Music From "Free Creek" (various artists), Charisma, 6641-132 / 1973

Chief Dewey Terry (with Sugarcane Harris), Tumbleweed Records / 1973

Ken Little (with Sugarcane Harris, Detroit Jr., & Hubert Sumlin), Dharma, D 801 (5 tracks produced by Harvey Mandel) / 1973

Blue Rose, Epic Records, E 31252 / 1972

Get Off in Chicago (various artists), Ovation (2), QD-14-15 (produced by Harvey Mandel) ...also Quad release, OVQD 1415 / 1971

Flying Bear Medicine Show (various artists), Smash/Mercury, SRS-67125 / LIVE 1969

Mighty Grahame Bond, Pulsar Records (dist. by Mercury), AR-10606 / 1968

Chicago Anthology-Archives Series Vol. III (with Musselwhite & Goldberg), Together Records, ST-T-1024 / 1966

Transformation Paradox (with Stan Jeff Brown), Global Records, SJB2213AB / 1987

Let's All Get Naked (w/ Acme Thunder Band), ROX, 069




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Harvey Mandel er desuden omtalt under Månedens Billede, juni 2004.



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